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We (the Plum Digital Hub) provide this service (Digital Marketing) and manage this website.

Our information handling practices are outlined in our Privacy policy. It also outlines how individuals can access or correct their personal information or make a complaint about how we have handled their personal information.

How we handle your submission

Staff working on the project that you are contributing to will read your submission. These staff will decide whether to accept your submission and whether to publish it.

In the interests of informed public debate, we are committed to providing transparent processes and open access to information. For this reason we aim to publish submissions on our website where it is appropriate to do so.

However, we reserve the right to edit (for example, remove defamatory material or, where appropriate, de-identify personal or sensitive information), publish or not publish submissions on this website at our discretion.

Your submission is not automatically accepted and published. We may take several weeks to consider and process your submission.

If accepted, we will publish most submissions on our website with the name of the submitter. If your submission is published, the information in it (including your name) can be searched for on the internet.

You cannot withdraw or alter your submission once we have published it.

You can ask us to keep your submission private

If you want your submission to be kept confidential (and your name not to be published on our website), you should select this option when providing your response.

Only members of the relevant project team will read confidential submissions. They will not be published on this website.

We will not publish de-identified summaries of confidential submissions without the permission of the contributors. However, the substance of any submission might be communicated to the relevant minister/s. In most cases we are obliged to provide them with information about who provided the submission if it is requested.

Please note that any submission provided to us may be the subject of a request under the federal Freedom of Information Act 1982. Any request for access to or a copy of a confidential submission is determined in accordance with that Act, which has provisions designed to protect sensitive information given in confidence.

The Act includes various exemptions for documents such as: documents provided in confidence (e.g. confidential submissions) and personal information. Any FOI application that relates to personal information or confidential submissions will be processed in accordance with these exemptions.


Ownership of all submissions we receive remains vested with the respective author(s) of the submission.

However, in making a submission to our department, you grant us a permanent, irrevocable, royalty-free licence to use, reproduce, publish, adapt, perform or communicate to the public your submission on this website. This includes converting your submission into a different format to that submitted in order to meet relevant accessibility requirements.

To the extent that your submission contains material that is owned by a third party, you warrant that you have obtained all necessary licences and consents required for the use of those materials (including for us to use, reproduce, publish, perform or communicate to the public), and have made arrangements for the payment of any royalties or other fees payable for the use of such material.

Accessing your Personal Information

If you have any questions or requests about your personal information, for example to request a copy of it, or to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong, please contact the organisation (as stated in their Privacy Notice / Privacy Statement / Privacy Policy). It is the controlling organisation’s responsibility to answer any questions or requests about your personal information.

Collection of Browser Information

The information provided by your computer when you use this website is collected by Delib. For example, your browser type, IP address, language preference, referring site and the date and time. The purpose for collecting this information is to maintain the security of the website and for operating and improving the software.

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